Michigan House Republicans
True Gretchen’s weird Doritos video humiliates all of Michigan
RELEASE|October 12, 2024
Contact: Steve Carra

State Rep. Steve Carra, R-Three Rivers, today issued a statement about Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s weird video she made of herself feeding a single Dorito chip to a woman on Instagram:

When I saw Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s weird Doritos video, I had the same initial reaction as just about everyone else: it looks a lot like she is intentionally mocking communion. It’s hard to watch this video without thinking that Whitmer has a deep hatred for Christianity.

That probably isn’t what she was doing, she’s too shrewd a politician to be that openly insulting to such a large part of our population, but the fact it didn’t even occur to Whitmer or her terminally online Gen-Z social media staff that most people would see her actions as sacrilegious, is revealing. It shows that she is so enamored with the cheers of YASS QUEEN from the radical leftist bubble that she’s completely lost touch with normal people who still believe in traditional family values.

Whitmer’s video is demented. It’s demeaning to women and humiliating to all of Michigan. 

The governor of the state of Michigan is now forever on video sexualizing an adult woman who is dressed like a child. You’re the governor and you’re 53 years old, not a teen on TikTok! Act like it!

Even Whitmer ally and Democratic state Sen. Mallory McMorrow called it weird. Because it is weird, and the governor should apologize.

Governor Whitmer basically did the “forced to drink milk” meme and thought people would be totally fine with it. She seems to be proud of her disturbing behavior and delighted in promoting it to others.

Whitmer obviously wants to run for president someday. But I bet she regrets her perverted Doritos fetish video more than Dukakis regrets riding in a tank.

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