State Rep. Gina Johnsen (R-Lake Odessa) issued the following statement holding Michigan House Democrats accountable for the implications of their proposed surrogacy laws. The plan has been rushed through the legislative process and is expected to receive a committee vote tomorrow, just days after the plan was introduced:
“I’m troubled by this proposal, because I firmly believe the commodification of babies is unacceptable in our compassionate culture. This practice can be exploitive of women, particularly those from disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds. The potential for offering large sums of money could pressure vulnerable women into becoming surrogates against their will.
“I’m certainly not alone in this thinking, as Thailand and India have repealed laws surrounding surrogacy, and Canada, Australia and most of Western Europe do not permit this type of legislation.”
“I’m sensitive to the desire to start or grow a family – that desire can be met in so many ways that are already legal. Private, non-compensated surrogacy is already legal, and there are numerous babies and young children waiting for loving parents to adopt them.
“This legislation could also allow the despicable act of intended parents mandating their surrogate to abort a baby based on his or her genetic traits. By allowing selective reduction, Democrats are confirming that certain lives are more valuable than others based on their genetic traits. This discrimination has no place in our society. The people I represent have ethical and moral concerns about entering this heinous practice into our lawbooks.
“This plan is being rushed through the legislative process and I urge my Democrat colleagues in majority to slow down and think carefully about the implications of compensated surrogacy.”

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